You bet we slipped a million times with these.
This place is amazing. It didn't take much effort to get to these waterfalls either. Our hike in total was about 1.5 hours. Perfect for those like me who are out of shape. :D
I really need to invest in a tripod...
The hike is alongside the river and streams with small to medium size waterfalls.
On a hot day, this is a perfect place to hike with the closed canopy providing plenty of shade.
Bridges crossing over the streams make an excellent make-shift tripod.
The entire time, I wanted to steal the small plants for my terrariums :)
Love the green moss!
Bubbles and...
crisp cool water... (ugly veiny feet i know :( blame genetics)
"Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall..."
"And There no stopping us right now..."
Untouched spider webs...
"Uh can you hurry? Mosquitoes are biting me"
Amazing how this tree grew out from under the rocks...
Found this all over the forest floor. Its like nature's doily...
Slap on mosquito repellent if you want to hang around the streams and waterfalls. The small stagnant pools below the waterfalls make perfect mosquito breeding ground, and humans make delicious snacks.
Sometimes...I feel like a ninja in these...
This makes me thirsty...the water is so clear!
Look at the ring of mosses. This picture reminds me of a scene from Pokemon...
The lovely Miss Tuyen...
The moisture in this particular biome makes way for the abundance of moss. Love...