Let the fun begin! They provide you with a bucket of ice to chill the wine
Asian people taking pictures of other asian people taking pictures of food. A toast to..graduation (yes its been 2 months old), life, new friends and a damn good time.
We were so inspired by the henna tattoos last time in Venice that we made a trip to an Indian Market to buy henna (only 2 bucks per tube) & made our own body art...
We spend the entire afternoon drawing on each other and being a bit obsessive with henna. The henna comes from a grinding the henna plant and a mixture of other herbs. Ours came conveniently prepackaged in something similar to a frosting/icing tool. To keep the formula from being goopy, we kept it in our handy ice bucket.
After drawing the design, you wait for about 45 minutes for it to dry (depending on the size). Yes we had to sit still with our hands opened. The henna flakes off and gives a redish brown stain on your hands.
You can find henna products to dye your hair and nails too. Henna is traditionally used in various festivals and celebrations.
You know its Summer in California when your feet becomes dry and crusty.
Jean and Tuyen took it up a notch...
You only live once... (Please stop saying this Tuyen it really gets on my nerves hahah)
The girlies.
The far left hand was the first to flake off. The other girls are still waiting. The longer you leave the product on your hands, the deeper the tone will turn out.
Delicious red wine...
The cutie pies...
My happy roomie..
Lurve her!
We found ourself a table top. The winery cleverly utilizes old wine barrels as furniture.
Thanks for coming all the way to LA to visit me! :)
You can see as you scroll down that we get happier and happier...and the pictures become more and more out of focus...
Too much love..
Love these awesome girls!
I really like this picture for some reason. The colors are so pretty... hahah and Anna is sho cute.. per usual.
Kimya: Hrmm.. should I drink this? I dont think it's a good idea.. Me (right side): Shut up and drink..
Kimya: Okay fine. what the heck.