Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things at the Rosebowl Flea Market

Admission tickets were 8$, which is expensive in comparison to NorCal's Berryessa and the Capitol Flea Market. However, the Rosebowl is definitely trendier...
Spotted tons of Ferragamo flats for about 30-40$. Of course there's always room for haggling...
An array of designer vintage and vintage-inspired eyewear...
This is the place to find vintage soda bottles and glass jars...Terrariums anyone? 
The owner of this booth sold his empty seltzer bottles. Since 1980's, he's been delivering seltzer and soda pops to homes and restaurants for Angelenos. The bottles look like they're congregating...
Old school YSL...Velvet is coming back....

 Collections of old hardcover books...Many interior designers go here to find home goodies and small antique decorations..

My Favorite! Terrariums!

I found my childhood friend here...
Jean bought this for 15$.
I wonder if the home that house this chandelier would be as beautiful as this.

& this is the aftermath. :(. Note to self: Slap on layers of sunblock, wear a hat, and cover the shoulders... -_-

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